Motion Picture Projects 2022

So far, my feature length screenplay for, “The Days Of Lot” looks like the most viable candidate for production this year, with “Superstition Highway” in a close second place because it’s a bigger budget film.

Faith based films can be very low budget yet still earn a respectable profit, when professionally crafted.

“The Days Of Lot” is the first of a Post Tribulation Rapture trilogy.

“Superstition Highway” is a modern day western in the same vein as Steve McQueen’s “The Getaway.” A lot more action and stunt work for a bigger budget feature project. It could be someone’s star vehicle to break into the A list, or make a powerful comeback. It just has to get into the hands of a brand name actor to fall in love with the story.

These projects tend to take forever to get into production. In the meantime, back to designing innovative military firearms.