America In Prophecy

Second Esdras (also called 4 Esdras, Latin Ezra) is the name of an apocalyptic book in many English versions of the Bible, including the 1611 King James Version.

Its authorship is ascribed to Ezra.

It is placed among the apocrypha among the Roman Catholics, Protestants and most Orthodox Christians.

Although Second Esdras was preserved in Latin as an appendix to the Vulgate translation and passed down as a unified book, it is generally considered to be a tripartite work.

The book is considered one of the gems of Jewish apocalyptic literature.

Except for the Orthodox Slavonic Bible (Ostrog Bible, Elizabeth Bible, and later consequently Russian Synodal Bible), it was not received into European Christian canons.

The chapters corresponding to 4 Ezra, i.e. 2 Esdras 3–14, make up the Book of II Izra, aka Izra Sutuel, canonical in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; it was also widely cited by early Fathers of the Church, particularly Ambrose of Milan.

It may also be found in many larger English Bibles included as part of the Biblical Apocrypha, as they exist in the King James version, the Revised Standard Version, and the earliest editions of the Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible, among others.

The introitus of the traditional Requiem Mass in the Catholic Church is loosely based on 2:34–35: “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”

Several other liturgical prayers are taken from the book.

In his Vulgate, Clement VIII placed the book in an appendix after the New Testament with the rest of the Biblical apocrypha, “lest they perish entirely”.

You can read it for yourself, here:

Chapter 12 is where the prophecy for America is explained.